Thursday, January 21, 2010

Have You Met This Grandma?

I realized today that it has been 6 days since I last did laundry. I've been boycotting. But since Chloe reminded me this morning that, "all my clothes are dirty", I figured I better get to that growing heap today.

In the midst of all the garments, I discovered the shirt that Cooper wore to church last Sunday (5 days ago). I had totally forgotten that he had gotten chocolate pudding all over it. He had made "dirt cups" in Sunday School class (still don't know how the dirt cups related to the lesson) and I had planned to clean it as soon as we got home. Uh, that didn't happen.

Grandma to the rescue! I can't believe how many stains this stuff actually removes. Usually, in the case of my rough-and-tumble guy, it's either blood or mud messing up his clothes. It also claims to remove oil, grease, paint, make-up, grass, clay, ink, baby formula, tar, spaghetti sauce, rust, pet stains and more.

Do yourself a favor and go get a bottle of this stuff today! You'll be glad you did!
Grandma's Secret Spot Remover rocks!