Friday, April 30, 2010

It's National Scrapbook Day (weekend)

And since I've taken up Digi-Scrapbooking, I spent the morning scrapping. Yes, I should be doing many other things: showering, laundry, cleaning the house, running errands, packing my house for moving, grocery shopping...the list is so long...I'm just in denial.

My favorite site for all things digital, is hosting a slew of activities and specials this weekend. Here are two pages I did today.

Speed Scrap: A LIVE, online course where a new instruction given every 10 minutes. After an hour, you have a completed page!

The instruction for this page was to take a few pictures "right now" and create a page using the words "Miracle" and "Today". Since I already mentioned that I haven't showered or gotten dressed yet, my pictures had to be VERY close to home (I think I worried my neighbor when he saw me outside taking pictures of my trash!).

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

National Scrapbook Day - gone Digital!

Spring 2010 Sports

The spring seasons of baseball and volleyball are in full swing. We have at least two games or practices during the week and two on Saturdays.

Coop is playing coach-pitch baseball. He's really enjoying it and this season he actually knows what's going on during the games.

Chloe is in her second season of volleyball. She's learning more each game and having lots of fun socializing with all her teammates!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

House Updates

This is what's happening at the end of the day - today, April 21, 2010.

They put the shingles on today and also painted the siding.

Here's the view from our back patio. We are so excited about this private backyard view with trees! The City owns the land behind us, which is a dry creek bed, so it will never be developed!

The front is looking good! The sheet rock is stacked inside the house, so it's sure to go up soon.

Marc spent some time this weekend running some cables so we can put a TV antenna in the attic. We're hoping to get rid of cable TV once we move in. So, TAKE THAT overpriced cable bills!!!

Spring Break Skiing

Monday, April 12, 2010

Enchanted Rock & Bluebonnets!!!

We experienced a few more "Texas must-dos" this weekend. Saturday afternoon we hiked up Enchanted Rock. It was so breezy at the top!!! Check out Coop's cool hair!

Taking a break at the top!

Coop...resting in the bluebonnets. They are so pretty this week!

Chloe found some cactus plants. Cooper thought those were pineapples...

Chloe's turn...

Trying to stay standing...

We found a great patch of bluebonnets growing along the highway just outside the Enchanted Rock park.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Happy 8th Birthday, Coop!

Cooper celebrated his birthday by taking 4 friends to see "Diary of a Wimpy Kid". Perfect. Gross. Boy. Humor!!!
After the movie, we walked over to Cold Stone Creamery. Yum!

Birthday morning...before school. What is that? A Texas shirt? Dude, what happened to the Razorbacks?

I took donuts to school so Coop could celebrate with his class at recess.

And what usually happens when one eats a donut? Well, you lose a tooth, of course! I told Coop that I could take his tooth home with me. But, NOooooOOOOOoooo! He wanted to go see the nurse so he could get the "special box that you only get when you lose a tooth at school"!

For dinner, we picked up Pizza Hut's Personal Pan pizzas and headed to the river to eat and feed the ducks! It was a great day to be 8!