Thursday, August 19, 2010

"Bored of Being Bored!"

We look forward to Monday, August 23. The new school year begins and we can quit being "Lounge Lizards"...

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Thursday, June 3, 2010

School's Out...For The Summer!

'nuff said...

Crazy, Busy Times

Let me tell ya...when you leave the country for 10 days and then spend the following week moving, many things get neglected. Updating this blog is one of those things.

We had a FABULOUS vacation. Marc had such a successful sales year in 2009 that Baxter rewarded him with a Mediterranean cruise. Lucky for me, he let me go along with him!

We started the trip in Venice, Italy. I have so many pictures to sort and edit. This is what I've accomplished so far.

I've enjoyed some creative computer time this week while the kids were completing their last days of school.

To be continued...

Saturday, May 8, 2010

This Girl Made Me A Momma.

This girl makes me so proud to be a momma. But being a mom isn't always easy.

We have butted heads with each other since she was 3. She's 9 1/2 now. Yep, we've had many, many difficult days. We are so much alike. Stubborn. Hard headed. Determined.

I've prayed a lot about this situation. Why must our relationship be so stinking difficult? It would be so nice if we actually loved being with each other. It makes be sad to feel like all our time is spent being angry with each other. One day down the road, how will she describe our relationship during her growing-up-years? Oh my. I want her to have happy memories, and not those of a mom who was always on her case.

Lately, things are on the upswing. We are happy. I am relaxed. Her behavior is shaping up.

Today, I took this picture of Chloe. I knew she looked pretty, but it wasn't until I actually saw the picture on my computer screen that I realized - "Whoa! This is a glimpse into our future!". She looks so grown-up here. I want our next 9 years together to be so special. Ones that we will both treasure.

So, Clo...thanks for making me a momma first. Here's to the next 9 years. Let's make them the best ones ever! I love you more than you know!

Friday, April 30, 2010

It's National Scrapbook Day (weekend)

And since I've taken up Digi-Scrapbooking, I spent the morning scrapping. Yes, I should be doing many other things: showering, laundry, cleaning the house, running errands, packing my house for moving, grocery shopping...the list is so long...I'm just in denial.

My favorite site for all things digital, is hosting a slew of activities and specials this weekend. Here are two pages I did today.

Speed Scrap: A LIVE, online course where a new instruction given every 10 minutes. After an hour, you have a completed page!

The instruction for this page was to take a few pictures "right now" and create a page using the words "Miracle" and "Today". Since I already mentioned that I haven't showered or gotten dressed yet, my pictures had to be VERY close to home (I think I worried my neighbor when he saw me outside taking pictures of my trash!).

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

National Scrapbook Day - gone Digital!

Spring 2010 Sports

The spring seasons of baseball and volleyball are in full swing. We have at least two games or practices during the week and two on Saturdays.

Coop is playing coach-pitch baseball. He's really enjoying it and this season he actually knows what's going on during the games.

Chloe is in her second season of volleyball. She's learning more each game and having lots of fun socializing with all her teammates!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

House Updates

This is what's happening at the end of the day - today, April 21, 2010.

They put the shingles on today and also painted the siding.

Here's the view from our back patio. We are so excited about this private backyard view with trees! The City owns the land behind us, which is a dry creek bed, so it will never be developed!

The front is looking good! The sheet rock is stacked inside the house, so it's sure to go up soon.

Marc spent some time this weekend running some cables so we can put a TV antenna in the attic. We're hoping to get rid of cable TV once we move in. So, TAKE THAT overpriced cable bills!!!

Spring Break Skiing

Monday, April 12, 2010

Enchanted Rock & Bluebonnets!!!

We experienced a few more "Texas must-dos" this weekend. Saturday afternoon we hiked up Enchanted Rock. It was so breezy at the top!!! Check out Coop's cool hair!

Taking a break at the top!

Coop...resting in the bluebonnets. They are so pretty this week!

Chloe found some cactus plants. Cooper thought those were pineapples...

Chloe's turn...

Trying to stay standing...

We found a great patch of bluebonnets growing along the highway just outside the Enchanted Rock park.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Happy 8th Birthday, Coop!

Cooper celebrated his birthday by taking 4 friends to see "Diary of a Wimpy Kid". Perfect. Gross. Boy. Humor!!!
After the movie, we walked over to Cold Stone Creamery. Yum!

Birthday morning...before school. What is that? A Texas shirt? Dude, what happened to the Razorbacks?

I took donuts to school so Coop could celebrate with his class at recess.

And what usually happens when one eats a donut? Well, you lose a tooth, of course! I told Coop that I could take his tooth home with me. But, NOooooOOOOOoooo! He wanted to go see the nurse so he could get the "special box that you only get when you lose a tooth at school"!

For dinner, we picked up Pizza Hut's Personal Pan pizzas and headed to the river to eat and feed the ducks! It was a great day to be 8!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The House Is Underway!

OK, yes. I am way behind on my blogging project. I have SO MANY PICTURES from the month of March to edit and post. More to come in the following days...

3.17.10 The house looks like our house now! Thanks to my neighbor, Andrea, for taking this picture of the slab being poured! This happened while we were in Colorado on Spring Break.
3.23.10 Wow, they got the second story up before I had time to take a picture of the first story. Keep working quickly, boys!

3.26.10 We have a roof, sort of.
3.26.10 Chloe and MeMe checking it out.

The kids come home from school each day with house updates. They can see the construction from the school playground! Very funny. It's a good thing that there are daily changes during this stage of the building!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Let's Get This Party Started!!!

We broke ground today! Here we go! This home will be our 9th home in 14 years. Wow! We hope to stay here a long, long time!

Texas Snow?

February 23, 2010

Mark it on the snowed in San Antonio.

Here's my boy...wishing there was more to play in!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Picked Up Right Where We Left Off...

You know those kinds of friends? The ones where you can go years without seeing each other (not that you want to go years, it's just that geography keeps you separated!) and when you do finally see each other, it's like no time has passed. Good friends, best friends!

I have a friend like that! Jenny. Funny, we only lived in Memphis at the same time for about 2 years. Then, she moved to Chattanooga - about 6 hours away from me. But, we managed to see each other at least twice a year. We'd usually go visit The Underwoods over spring or fall breaks, or during the summer. We did this from 2005 to 2008. Then, we moved to Texas. The commute - a little longer now.
Last week, during a "random" Facebook chat session with Jenny, she asked me if I was going to visit my family in Atlanta anytime soon. Funny, I was planning to be there that upcoming weekend for my Grandmother's 90th birthday. However, it hadn't even crossed my mind to think that she would possibly drive over to see me.

Well, she did! Wow - it had been about 18 months since we'd seen each other (surely our longest time between visits yet) and it was just as it had always been. Easy. Fun. Comfortable. Sweet.

Thank you, Jenny and Matt, Caleb, Madelyn and Leah! I love you guys and will look forward to our next get-together, whenever that might be!

Yeah, Jenny...I photoshopped the pizza off his face!!! :-)

What a sweetie pie!
So glad we finally got to meet!

Jenny & Matt